BGDM Member Films at Sundance 2025

Lissa Deonarain • January 13, 2025

The sun is shining!'s at least dancing! Amidst the awards campaining, it feels like the year doesn't truly start in the doc world until Sundance kicks off. This year, we have an enormous number of nonfiction features and shorts that our members have poured their souls into. Be sure to check out all the films, grab your tickets, reach out to the members and most of all: show up to support their work!

We have some more things up our sleeve for Sundance, so stay tuned! Our executive directors Nive and Iyabo will be on the ground in Utah, so don't miss your chance to connect with our org either as a current member, potential member, ally, or potential partners.

Lissa Deonarain
Lissa Deonarain

Lissa Deonarain (she/they) is a queer, disabled, multiracial Guyanese-American documentary filmmaker, editor, communications specialist and producer. She's BGDM's Communications and Social Media Associate, promoting, tracking and uplifting members and their films.